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IPL Genealogy Group: The 15 Habits of Highly Frugal Genealogists with Thomas MacEntee Online
Who said genealogy and the hunt for your family history has to be expensive? Just as in any other industry, there are ways to get the best deals and bargains in the genealogy marketplace. The 15 Habits of Highly Frugal Genealogists will teach tricks and ideas on how to think like a savvy frugal genealogist! You’ll not only find a list of key resources but more importantly you’ll learn how to embrace the mindset of finding the best ways to save money while researching your ancestors.
Thomas MacEntee, a genealogy professional who’s also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, marketer, network builder and more. He was laid off after a 25-year career in the information technology field, so he started his own genealogy-related business called High-Definition Genealogy and currently resides in Chicago.
This program will be held online using a communication app/website called Zoom. Registration required with an email address. Participants will receive an email with the log-in information for Zoom.